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CEF: Together We Give

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What Do Donations Support? 


Your donations support the CEF Mission to enhance the Chelsea School District’s educational experiences by financing projects beyond the resources of the district and by providing scholarships to district graduates. Nick Angel, Chelsea High School Principal shares:


"CEF has provided decades of support for our staff and students. From mini-grants for staff to pursue field trips and extension of learning opportunities, student scholarships to attend post secondary options, scholarships for students to attend annual traditions like the Washington, DC trip; the Chelsea Education Foundation has been a partner and great supporter of education here in Chelsea. We are fortunate to have strong community support and the CEF is our chief cheerleader. We are very thankful."


Donate by Mail

Chelsea Education Foundation

P.O. Box 281

Chelsea, MI 48118


Please make check payable to “Chelsea Education Foundation” and note your intent with the donation in the memo line of your check.  Any checks payable to CEF without expressed intent in the memo line will be added to the CEF General Operations fund by default.



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Chelsea Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible.

©2023 Chelsea Education Foundation. Created by D&B Strategic Marketing

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