Chelsea Education Foundation (CEF) recently provided $29,500 to Chelsea schools for scholarships.

Winners were announced on June 9 at the virtual annual Class Night.
Since 2001, more than 900 scholarships have been awarded through CEF to students for service to the community and outstanding academic performance.
“Our mission is to enhance the Chelsea School District’s educational experience by financing projects beyond the district’s resources through grants and by providing scholarships to district graduates,” said Megan Smith, CEF scholarship chair.
“Knowing that I can apply my CEF scholarships towards college expenses makes for a more positive outlook on my future finances. It is greatly appreciated,” said graduate Aidan Delwiche, who will be studying engineering at the University of Michigan.
2020 Scholarship Winners:
The Joseph Piasecki Scholarships for $2,000: Thea Higgins, Kayla Sweeny
CEF Academic Scholarships for $1,000: Ella Ashe, Madison Burlett, Aidan Delwiche, Savannah Fisk, Morgan Kurth, Reagan Lehman, Lilian Maynard, Christopher White
CEF Community Service Scholarships for $1,000: Madison Brodeur, Emily Chizek, Pamela Doss, Nicholas Fannin, William Fredenberg, Sarah Loring, Olivia Prodin, Kyra Van Batavia
Jillian Lea Drowse Memorial Scholarship for $1,000: Sydney St. Amour
Robert Wagner Engineering Scholarship for $500: Abigail Robbins
Judith Lynn Wagner Owens Teacher Scholarship for $500: Sarah Loring
Mary Merkel Memorial Nursing Scholarship for $500: Emily Chizek
Doris Schumacher / A Henry Schumacher Memorial Scholarship for $500: Emma Hess
Female in Finance Scholarship for $2,500: Myranda Montoye
Chelsea Family Dentistry for $500: Josiah Fitch
Chelsea Rod and Gun Club Scholarships for $1,000: Morgan DeYoe, Abigail Robbins
Joel Gentz Memorial Leadership and Service Scholarship for $500:Emma Hess
Brian McGrath Memorial Scholarships for $500: Aidan Delwiche, Will Scott
Money is raised through donations and the annual fundraisers.
“We truly appreciate the individuals and businesses that host their scholarships with CEF. Their contributions support the dreams and education of our next generation,” said Smith.
Chelsea Education Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3. Organized in 1990, the mission of CEF is to enhance the Chelsea School District’s educational experiences by financing projects beyond the resources of the district and by providing scholarships to district graduates. Since its inception, over 46,000 students have received benefits from the foundation, and 600 grant programs have been funded ranging from art installations to robotics programs, and over 900 scholarships have been awarded to students with outstanding achievement.
To learn more about Chelsea Education Foundation, visit or email the Board President, Lynn Fox, at
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