The Chelsea Community Foundation (CCF) grants two Chelsea nonprofits financial support. The recipients are:
Chelsea Education Foundation - in support of donor development software and establishing a Chelsea School District alumni database - $6,600
St. Louis Center for Exceptional Children and Adults - in support of emergency well drilling to provide safe and potable water for an assisted living facility and adult residence hall - $20,000.
CCF's Advisory Committee grant approval criteria are influenced by each application's sustainable impact on the Chelsea Community and the level of community engagement and collaboration. "These criteria are important because CCF's mission is to make a lasting impact that leverages and promotes nonprofits in Chelsea," shared Anne Mann, Advisory Committee President.
Christina Ferris, Development Director, St. Louis Center, provided the following context, "CCF's financial support is critically essential, and outside of the typical grants they approve. St. Louis Center is located on 180 acres, east of Chelsea, and home to 84 residents. When the primary well, which provides potable water to the main building and the Center’s assisted living facility, failed, drilling a replacement well became a top priority. With the support of CCF, we were able to do that. Our residents are a vulnerable population and they rely on us each day for their care. We are so grateful to CCF for helping us continue to provide a safe and secure home for our residents, some of whom have lived at the Center for more than 40 years. Thank you CCF!”
Lynn Fox, President Chelsea Education Foundation (CEF), shared her appreciation with the following statement. "During these past 18 months, we have not been able to host our annual fundraisers, so our revenue is down, which makes this grant even more significant. We have recognized the need for better and more frequent communication with our existing and future donors, letting them know what we are doing and how we are implementing our grant and scholarship programs with their generosity. The most important reason for obtaining donor software is to enable us to do so efficiently. Additionally, we need to manage our fundraising events. We researched four software vendors and landed on one that is dedicated solely to nonprofits. We appreciate the fact that CCF saw the value to the community that CEF provides and that by enhancing our ability to communicate, manage and implement, we will be better able to realize and grow our mission."
To learn more about applying for grants, contact Gregory Yankee,, or go to the website, for grant guidelines and apply directly. The submission deadline is August 16, with responses in December. Qualifying nonprofits are encouraged to apply!
The Chelsea Community Foundation is a permanent charitable endowment with assets over $2.8 million. The endowment has been built through gifts from families, individuals, and businesses. CCF is guided by Chelsea's civic leaders who care deeply about the community. With these new grants, CCF has invested $1.8 million into the Chelsea Community by providing financial assistance to 40+ nonprofits since 1995.
CCF relies on the generosity of donors in the Chelsea area to realize its mission. Donors interested in supporting are encouraged to contact Randy Ross, by visiting the website at
The Chelsea Community Foundation has been providing financial support to nonprofit organizations through a wide variety of activities benefiting education, arts and culture, enrichment programs for children and seniors, training for caregivers, outdoor trails in the community, leadership development, capacity building, health and human services, community development, and civic affairs. The Chelsea Community Foundation is an affiliate of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. For more information, please visit
Chelsea Education Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides funding for a broad spectrum of educational activities benefiting the students of Chelsea. Funds raised through endowments and events are managed by local investment professionals and distributed to recipients by the CEF board. Chelsea Education Foundation’s mission is to enhance the Chelsea School District’s educational experiences by financing projects beyond the resources of the District and by providing scholarships to District Graduates. Visit
From The Sun Times News - click for article
