Chelsea Education Foundation (CEF) is proud to introduce the newly-founded Chelsea Alumni Association (CAA).
CAA is a committee of CEF, led by a group of volunteer alumni. CAA’s mission is to create avenues for Chelsea alumni to communicate, connect, volunteer, support, and participate in Chelsea Schools and Chelsea related activities. CAA seeks to foster Bulldog pride and connect all Bulldogs.
CAA has been a labor of love, with many volunteer alumni working diligently to bring it to fruition. “We have big goals for the future, including creating a legacy scholarship, hosting alumni networking events, and recognizing outstanding alumni,” said Jane Diesing, CAA committee chair.
Other members of the committee are Jennifer Smith, Lynne Faist, Jan Bernath, John Brier, Laurel Gravelyn, Jeff Holzhausen, Barb Boylan Lewis, Anne Mann, Ellie McCalla, Jane Mann Shrosbree, Angie Smith, Joan Weber, Sandy Weber and Wayne Welton.
All alumni and Chelsea supporters are invited to a reception tent hosted by CAA and CEF at the Chelsea High School Homecoming football game on Friday, Oct. 7, starting at 6 pm. Stop by the tent before and during the game, for refreshments, giveaways, fellowship, and to learn more about joining CAA’s mission and how CEF is helping the Chelsea School District.
Chelsea Alumni Association would like to recognize and thank the Athletic Department and Brad Bush, athletic director and assistant principal, for incorporating the event into the Homecoming Celebration, helping set up the tent, and welcoming them to the homecoming festivities. Alumni and supporters will receive a warm welcome from CAA Committee members, CEF Board members, and volunteers.
Recently, Chelsea Education Foundation received funding from the Chelsea Community Foundation to acquire software to manage their database and communication with existing and future donors. The software enhances their ability to share with donors how their generosity is making a difference in the Chelsea community by funding teacher grants and student scholarships. This will also assist the alumni manage and engage with their growing membership.

To learn more about and to join CAA sign up here.

Chelsea Education Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides funding for a broad spectrum of educational activities benefiting the students of Chelsea. Funds raised through endowments and events are managed by local investment professionals and distributed to recipients by the CEF board. Chelsea Education Foundation’s mission is to enhance the Chelsea School District’s educational experiences by financing projects beyond the resources of the district and by providing scholarships to District Graduates.